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By PoWWow

The 6:40am seduction stunt

We were just coming round from a luxurious 15 minute grunging stint at sleep upon the hard inhospitable freezing cold floors of Geneva airport, at which we'd arrived at some point in the dead of night on a replacement bus driving through thick snow. I was just getting to know a nice crusty hard bit of bread for breakfast and Dan was assuming this very attractive position when we realised all of a sudden that we had company. But it was Dan, that this unusual seeming creepy elderly Scotsman was interested in, so I got fully back to breaking my teeth on my rock hard dry as sand breakfast and let my better half deal with this early morning friend making session. Between arid mouthfuls and attempts to stop my tired eyes rolling back in my brain, I picked up on offers of coffees and books and regaled tales of kinky goings on from this gentleman's school boy days. His figure grew closer to my tired man's face and soon he was showing him every page of a free newspaper he wanted him to have, as a last ditch attempt of we're not sure what. Dan did well, despite trembling with cold and exhaustion and eventually the man plodded slowly away to find his next subject of fascination. "Oh well" yawned Dan, "it killed ten minutes at least".

So here we sit now, Dan is still in this photographed position, awaiting the saviour collection of The Other Dan to come and put an end to an endlessly unsuccessful but hopefully soon to be over journey across France.

Let us head east to those snow covered rocks now please.

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