The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Trip To The Seaside

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went to Cramond to meet The Explorer and her gang for a walk. We went along the river where Murphy went for a proper big boy swim and then along the promenade

Murphy was very excited about being somewhere different. So many new and exciting smells! He had great fun dropping his ball over the wall on the promenade onto the beach and then bounding over to get it. He was like a horse in a steeplechase.

It was fairly windy today which meant that the ‘breeze’ behind us on the way out felt like a gale on the way back. With sand. I don’t think I’ll need to exfoliate for a while!

YMP and I made a lentil bolognaise for dinner which was lovely. The cooking and the end result.


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