A New Day

By ANewDay

Posh Wash

It comes to something when the most exciting thing you’ve done all day is to sit in a car while it’s going through the car wash:-)

I persuaded TJ (against his better judgement) that we should use the car wash at Tesco in Perth to save him having to clean it himself. He hasn’t used one of these in years and was flumoxxed by the instructions about scanning the ticket.

He drove in as instructed but nothing happened! We’d seen the same thing happen to the car two in front of us, so assumed there was a problem with the scanner and drove out again. When he complained to the staff, it turned out that he (and the other driver) had missed the scanner which was not easily visible from the car.

So we had to go back round and join the queue again to wait our turn. He got it right this time and we managed to get the car washed and dried (this is the giant dryer) at last.

Not sure he’ll want to repeat the exercise any time soon:-)

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