Another Day in the Life of........

Yes, it really was that early as I tramped across Bruntsfield Links to the Doctor’s to hear the results of my pre Christmas MOT. The street lights were still on and no doubt brigands and footpads were lurking in the shadows to intercept the unwary. I was lucky on all accounts. I was not accosted and my results were deemed good enough for me to see another Christmas unscathed.

After a little light food shopping and the making of soup for an important visitor arriving on these shores on Thursday, the attempt to round up boiler estimates, it was time to walk to meet a fellow cyclist for a spot of catching up. By the time that was satisfactorily done, the sun was setting and the sky the colour of a huge bruise.

Just as so many people are going abroad to while away January in warmer climes, my American neighbours are back from 3 weeks in LA. That must be a shock to the system.

I, meantime, await another long suffering neighbour who is kindly going to explain some documents I have to sign. Thank God for helpful neighbours.

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