Leaving for work coincides with the magic hour (more like 10 mins if you are lucky!) when the colours are a wonder to behold. I pulled off to watch the show at this park. What was really cool was that we had freezing rain last night but was already up to 5 C at 7 a.m., causing some 'fog' over the park's field. No tripod for this but did my best with the camera resting on a fence for stability.
Now picture this...woman running back to car. Woman running back out onto field. Woman runs back to car; gets in. Woman exits car and runs back onto field. *sighs* After 30 mins of this, I finally knew I had to leave as I had seen the best of what the sunrise had to offer and I did have a job to get to ; )
Almost back to normal at work...
Hope your day was a fine one!
D x
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