afternoon snoozer

Laney was quite excited to get a trip to the dog park this afternoon. We usually go in the morning on Mon/Wed/Fri, but lately our schedule has been interrupted.
I was excited to see if the resident screech owl looked any different in the late afternoon. Obviously not. Still sleeping.
Another bit of excitement was when we got to the owl tree and saw a couple leaning up against it, with the owl just inches from the top of their heads. So I casually asked if they knew there was an owl in the tree just above their heads. Then the young man screamed and ran away, while the girl pulled out her phone and took a photo (of the owl, not of her departing boyfriend). The young man sheepishly came back and apologized, saying that he was deathly afaid of all birds after being attacked by one as a child. 
And meanwhile, the owl kept snoozing. 

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