Late ....
.... surprise.
This was a Christmas gift given to me on Monday . Not as it seems tho' , it had shortbread cookies in it, a novelty tin .
I went to the club this a.m. the 1st time in the New Year in fact since before Christmas. Did my usual 50minute exercise / swim , I must say it wasn't easy at all , then had my late pedicure and back massage . Sad to say the massage hadn't done me any good , but then things have progressed , not for the better.
"J" wasn't very happy either her life has been thrown into turmoil , so sad for her.
I'm feeling so very tired these days and drop off to sleep frequently ( only for a few minutes) , but it is rather worrying . Still buck up and put up tomorrow's another day.
It has been so cold today and tonight is said to be worse but happy temperatures to come so the forecaster reported on the news at lunch time.
Appreciated ..... being able to get back to some type of exercise.
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