Just a small .....
..... box to ---
get rid of. These were in the Thornton selection sent to me by my nephew and his wife , 3 boxes this size, 1 went to one daughter and 1 to my other daughter. So I'm left with this one, I must say they are rather yummy. ( and I have folk to help me out!)
Cold day , not inviting weather to do much except indoors. "A" is here so the company is good.
Rather annoyed with myself as on Tuesday I pick up some cutlery on a special offer, but just can't remember picking it up with my other shopping. However I went back to the store along with my receipt , unfortunately no one had handed them in. So back to the drawing board of 1) did I pick them up 2) did they fall out of my bag. I'm at a loss to know what the answer is. Hey ho I really must be more careful, the special offer turned out to be an expensive mistake in the end. Nothing for it --- but ---- have a chocolate!
Appreciated .... company tonight
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