More Of The Same

The icy rain from last night turned into heavy wet snow overnight.  It was just beautiful.  I left about 8 a.m. to meet Josie and pick up Na'iema and the scene was just full of ooohs and ahhhs, but it was a heavy wet snow with a layer of ice underneath and stopping meant maybe not getting going again, so this was just a quick shot from where we met up.  As it was I couldn't make it all the way up (up being the key word) our driveway (about 400 feet long) and had to get out and carry the little princess up.  I forgot to take the garage door opener from the car and so we were locked out as that's the usual way we enter the house.  Fortunately the  basement door was unlocked so we were able to get in that way in the dark and between the spiders making it their home for the winter.  The day did get better and of course Na'iema was her usual wonderful self.

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