Anatole's blips

By anatolebeams

Tennengebirge gap

Here we drive north through a narrow gap created by the Salzach river between the Tennengebirge (Tennen Mountains) to the east and the Berchtesgadener Alpen to the west. 

The traffic was backed up on the Tauern autobahn which runs through a pair of long tunnels. Having the SatNav warn us of this meant we could drop off the autobahn and take the minor road that runs through the winding gorge following the railway. The autobahn tunnels emerge from the cliff at the point just ahead, cross straight across the gorge on the bridges in the picture and disappear into the sheer rock on the far side. Driving on the autobahn, you just get a brief flash of bright cliff-faces before plunging back into the tunnel on the far side. There are 24km of tunnels in total on the autobahn through the Tauern and the weather is usually very different one one side to the other.

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