I had promised myself no more owl blips for a while, then I found this little one today and could not resist. It was bitterly cold today (-20C with the windchill) but the sun was shining beautifully. After work I was determined to get out for a good walk and see how 'everyone' was doing.
First spotted (in extras), a Kestrel! My very first that I am aware of and as I think most birders will relate, the moment I saw it fly over and land, I just knew what it was! This would have actually been my main blip but as it was out in the open, the wind was shaking me something fierce and it shows in the lack of sharpness. Boooo! Next time....hopefully!
Next, I had to go check in on L'il Red....nope.
Next, I went for a stroll through the owl's territory and I ran into a group of wild turkeys who made me laugh (video on FB).
And then....I stopped videoing the turkeys and looked up and then was this little one trying to sleep! So sweet. I videotaped it for a short bit and then took a shot at the end of the video which is now my main blip. I didn't want to stay around too much, or make too much noise as it would need all its energy tonight for hunting.
Now I am finally home, warmed up and ready for bed. Friday tomorrow.... : )) Have a good one!
D x
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