The second scarf

A late start this morning after a restless night, I did a bit of tidying and then tackled the dreaded tax returns. Pleased to say they are both done, with 20 days to spare , and paid. Celebrated with a walk with Reggienwhile Mr H went for a swim in Bingley.

Weigh in day today! mr H continues to excel and lost a further 1.5 kg having now lost 4 kg in 2 weeks. I lost 0.2 kg and to add to the disappointment realised that i’d Made a mathematical error last week and had lost only 1.5 and not 2.5kg, so I stand at the total loss of 1.7kg.

Delighted for Mr H but feel very annoyed about mine! However , tomorrow is another day!

After all that and a band practice I realised that I hadn’t taken a photo so the second scarf has come in to its own.

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