But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Ascent of Man.

It’s a long story; for several years, after each cinema performance, I have counted the takings and signed a form detailing the amount and Mrs. TD has checked and countersigned it. I’ve then paid that amount from my account to the Trust account using internet banking and pocketed the actual cash. It’s a system that works well as it avoids me making a trip to to the bank to make the payment, it also avoids me having to use a cash machine other than on the odd occasion when there is a gross mismatch between the cinema takings and my expenditure. We, the Trust and myself have an understanding of trust, after all, I could embezzle cash, without leaving any evidence, whatever system we used. I don’t, and nobody thinks I would dream of doing so. Then, along came a new auditor and, being an auditor, is very fussy and is insisting that I actually physically pay the takings directly into the Trust’s account.
A few days ago, I checked with the village post office that they could handle such transactions; all I needed was to bring the money and the Trust’s debit card and all would be fine. This afternoon, I made a genuine attempt to comply with the new rules and strolled down to the post office with money in one hand and the debit card in the other to make the payment. I believe that the actual error message was, “Card not recognised.” The Trust is a business and its bank accounts are, therefore, business accounts, I need a paper form for the post office to be able to cope. SO I now need to go into the bank in town to collect a paying-in book. Ho-Hum.
On my way back I passed the bumper sticker in the Blip, I’ve seen many humerous variations on “The Ascent of Man” logo – but not this one. I like dogs, but having cared for our own, taken in strays, and looked after friends’ dogs for the last forty years, I am now enjoying the freedom of not being responsible for our own dog.
Herself has a different opinion on the matter.

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