
I had a good night's sleep and was awake at 6.30am, and although I tried to go back to sleep, I couldn't.  So I got up and was at the pool by 8am, and I swam 42 lengths and jogged another 8 before getting in the jacuzzi where I burned my bum!  It was so hot, no-one could stay in there for more than 5 minutes and when I asked how hot it was, they said it was 40.5 degrees and that when it reached 41 they would close it.

When I got home, Alan had only just woken up - I think he'd needed his sleep after not being well yesterday.  I made brunch and then we went to Sheffield Park and Gardens.  We did the woodland walk, which I've never done before, and there were lots of long tailed tits in the trees, but it was impossible to get a good shot of them.  There were lots of robins in the gardens though, although they were in the bushes and there wasn't any light on them, so this one is as good as it gets.

We had a lovely morning/afternoon, and got home about 3.30pm, when I cooked a Sunday roast and now it's time for Dancing on Ice. 

Hope you've had a good day!

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