
Busy day...

Took a car boot load of newspapers out to the SPCA. They use them in the whelping boxes and kitty litter trays etc. I like to recycle wherever possible. Stopped for a saunter around the rhododendron dell of our botanical gardens and thoroughly lost myself taking photos and chatting with the birds in particular one fantail who followed me most of the way around peeping and flitting from branch to bough and back again. At one stage, when I stopped to take a photo of a very wet and bedraggled bumblebee drying itself on a flower, the wee fantail landed on the path and danced around my feet. I always feel so special when I have that sort of interaction with wildlife...fantails in particular.

Felt much better when I got home and was able to cross a couple of small chores of my list before having a nana nap. Made a very passable pumpkin and ginger soup for tea and watched Coro and Graham Norton before spending the rest of the evening processing today's images.

Do not know the name of this delicate specimen. It was in the South African garden. Only saw the ants when I got the images up on the laptop screen. I like the delicate flora against the industrial grey concrete background. Might enter this in 2013 Otago Museum Photo comp!??

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