Eschscholzia petals

Woke late - mind you went to bed 3am - and decided against going to the Farmers Market as there was nothing I really needed. made myself a cuppa and went back to bed to listen to the radio for a while. The Saturday morning programme from 8-12 is run by a woman by the name of Kim Hill. Super intelligent person who very seldom has a boring session. She has a ballsy voice and a wicked laugh and seems to do very intense research.

Usually I only hear snippets of the show before getting stuck in to the usual Saturday routine but as I am home alone...while the cat is away etc etc etc ...

Brunched with a friend and then scoured a nearby second hand shop for goodies. Nothing for me but my friend found some fabulous bargains.

Home for a Nana nap and a session of blipping...take care out there.

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