The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Chill Out

Dear Givers of Treats,

The Princess went out this morning and LEFT me. On OUR special day. When I don’t have to share her. She said she would be very quick but I was quite grumpy. I was absolutely starving because it had been WHOLE hour since I had eaten my breakfast but then I noticed that she had left me a special treat for being such a good boy. She had forgotten to put it in my bowl so I very helpfully got it down myself. It was dee-lish although it made my tongue all cold.

I was just finishing my tasty snack when she got back. She really had been quick. I think she had just gone for a walk around the block. She must have needed a poo.

“Oh Murphy, that chicken was just out of the freezer. I was going to use it for dinner.”

I don’t know why she was grumpy. I actually saved her from having to do extra work which will give her extra time to cuddle me. I think I prefer chicken ice pops anyway. I’ll just have something else for dinner.


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