Christmas Stars

Well, that's what Jose Maria called the beautiful, enormous Poinsettias growing near Machico as we walked the Mimosas.

I managed a short levada walk on my visit in August, just before the first anniversary of my new hip. Today I tried this longer one. Marocos, as its called is described as "easy" because its flat and pretty. It is nearer to 12k.

I loved the first three quarters of it but we stopped for refreshments and I got a bit stiff. Three and a half hours would have been tough but the scenery is stunning and the rest of the group (mainly Finnish and German) were huge fun.

The Madeirans tend their farms for real well into their eighties and beyond. Vertical climbs and all hand cultivation. Tough but honest life. With economic hardships more young people are coming back to these rural traditions but it is not enough.

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