Moonlight and Street Lights
We chose our new leader at singing this morning. There were two applicants and today's session was led by the second of them. I missed last week, so wasn't eligible to vote. Those who were picked today's candidate, and I'm glad, because I thought she was very good. She's about half, or maybe even a third the age of most of us, and either we'll have to up our game or she'll have to slow down a bit. I'm sure we'll work it out.
In the afternoon I went to patchwork projects. This term we're working on a block called New York Beauty, and I'm quite excited about it, it's all spiky circles. I think I'm going to be on a steep learning curve, literally - there will be lots of curved seams.
It was a brilliant day in Edinburgh - clear and very cold. The moon was high in the sky at 4.30 pm, when I was walking to the bus stop. The Scots Greys Memorial was nicely silhouetted.
Edited: I've replaced the mono with the colour version, I decided I liked it better.
I got home about 8 pm, an easy drive on dry roads - the temperature just below 0, and just a little snow in our garden.
The elusive baby is still keeping us all waiting - surely tomorrow ......
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