Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Moonlight and Street Lights

We chose our new leader at singing this morning. There were two applicants and today's session was led by the second of them. I missed last week, so wasn't eligible to vote. Those who were picked today's candidate, and I'm glad, because I thought she was very good. She's about half, or maybe even a third the age of most of us, and either we'll have to up our game or she'll have to slow down a bit. I'm sure we'll work it out.

In the afternoon I went to patchwork projects. This term we're working on a block called New York Beauty, and I'm quite excited about it, it's all spiky circles. I think I'm going to be on a steep learning curve, literally - there will be lots of curved seams. 

It was a brilliant day in Edinburgh - clear and very cold.  The moon was high in the sky at 4.30 pm, when I was walking to the bus stop. The Scots Greys Memorial was nicely silhouetted.
Edited: I've replaced the mono with the colour version, I decided I liked it better.

I got home about 8 pm, an easy drive on dry roads - the temperature just below 0, and  just a little snow in our garden.

The elusive baby is still keeping us all waiting - surely tomorrow ......

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