A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Oh what an original title!

Marked coursework a lot today. My brain is fried. Mostly very good - kids have done what they needed to, some with a great degree of flair and maturity, which is fab. One or two, the usual suspects, appear to have been in a different classroom from the rest of us. However, they will be spending time in my classroom after school everynight until the work gets done after half term!

Have discovered that mr Muscle bathroom cleaner is actually very effective.

Tattoo seems to be healing nicely - was a bit 'tight' this morning, but its getting there. Corin's classic comment when I got out of the bath last night was "Is the ink supposed to run?" And I have been checking it to make sure its still there. How sad. But, Corin kept inspecting it last night and seemed to be pretty taken with it - particularly the detailing and the shadow - it really does look like its floating slightly above my skin...could cause some consternation in the summer when I am sunbathing at Mum's..."Does Sarah know she's got a lizard on her back?" ...that will be so boring after a month.

Cooked Chicken with honey and chinese five spice tonight - a recipe from Gordon Ramsay's 'Cooking for friends' book which Corin bought me for my birthday (he knows how I love to cook...I am being serious...kitchen is almost my favourite place). Have to say it was absolutely delicious ...chicken was really tender and the sauce reduces down to almost a 'chutney' with onions, brandy, honey, ginger, szechuan peppercorns and five spice. A plate full of salad and a pitta bread. Yum. And I have had a 3 fruit portion smoothie for pud.

Off to watch "My name is Earl".

Laters, taters.

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