Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Children's Tree

This is a children's tree. No sophisticated adult tree here. The decorations on this tree started when our son was born. There is a decoration that is now 40 years old that David got right from a family friend after he was born. It's been on every tree. There are a few decorations that David made when he was in pre-school and kindergarten. It is typical of many a family tree, loaded with memories and waiting for the next generation to enjoy it. I've been waiting for a long time for that to happen, and I only pray to God that if that happens I will still be alive and able to walk and hold a toddler in my arms to say, "Oh, can you find the bears?" "Do you see what your Daddy made in school?" "No honey, don't touch the pretty ornament." "Let Gramma have that, sweetie." "DAVID COME GET YOUR KID, HE'S TEARING APART THE TREE!"

Hope all is well, my friends. Season's Greetings.

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