Kings Cross (again..)

Damn, I love this roof! Second time I have been here in a month and the entire structure still amazes me! Yet again, the only camera I had with me was my little point and shoot Canon PowerShot but I would love to come sometime with my proper gear and get some real shots. Hopefully, that can become a reality in the near future thanks to raising the issue of the poor wifi with EastCoast trains on my journey back - I had a fascinating conversation with one of the Directors who explained to me why they are suffering the problems they are and what they are doing to remedy this (the secret is going to be around rollout of 4G) I gave him suggestions as to how they should manage the communication of this in the interim period and we ended on really good terms. At the end of the conversation I have been offered a first class return trip back to London so that could be my opportunity to pick up with some friends and get some great photos.

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