The Wooden Spoon

Compressed and foreshortened the Saturday activities to get the train to Aberdeen after lunch. Left 9 minutes late: arrived 39 minutes late as a local stopping train got ahead. Still, it was comfortable and quiet and I had a time cushion.

Attended, spoke and presented at the recocgnition event for Aberdeenshire panel members and AST members - all volunteers. Four awards for some who have done 25+ years. It was also a chance to say thank you to their partners who provide the silent support.

After there buffet dinner there was a quiz, ably MC’d by Bob. The team I was in did not win. Nor did the team which named itself: the team that didn’t win last year. For the team in final place was a wooden spoon which left you in no doubt of what they thought of your knowledge skills!

Can’t nversation then flowed into the wee sma’ hours.

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