Gitama's World

By Gitama

Grass in the River

A trip up the coast to see Ma and Pa today.........the boy excelled at being a gorgeous human being to his great Grandma by buying her some coconut water with his own money after he heard Jaiya and I talking in the car about her need to keep hydrated more.
When he gave it to her her face lit up like Christmas lights.On so many levels...more than he is aware of he did a very good thing.

Just found out that I had another of my composite pics published and then one of my photos got published in a Photographic magazine.....kinda pleased about that.

Thank you so much for the hearts on my Selkie yesterday...I am wondering if it is OK to post that type of thing on Blip......but I have to say when you get lost in a creation its good to air it out when finished just to see if your on thank you again it means more than I can tell to get your feedback...stars & hearts.

A simple shot today.....unfortunately the colour changes quite a bit moving from desktop to blip...there is a lot more subtlety in the original...hi ho.

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