It’s Just Too Hot..... think about anything much.....the heat is relentless.
I plonked my Lensbaby velvet on just for something different looking...I don’t use it that much really....I think I should I do like the dreamy effect it gives.

The humidity is just wicked and even at nearly 8pm just after a short stint in the garden I am dripping with I mentioned before there is no glowing in this neck of the woods.

In some parts it has become so hot that folk that work outside are told that they must stop if the temps reach over 35degrees and the humidity some parts the temps have gone up to 45degrees......I sure feel for those folk. If that happens here I’m taking my sleeping bag to the shopping center and sleeping there....or the op shop the other day was nice and cool.

After my blathering on about the heat I will leave you with a most lovely rose.who is also a little worse for wear...just a little.

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