The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

That'll be autumn done, then

Another jigsaw by Val Goldfinch. We've now finished the Gibsons four seasons series. I did have another four seasons jigsaw from another year, another artist (Jacek Yerka) but I sold it the other day. Someone gave me three more to sell today, but she did say I could give them to charity if not sold. That's good: I don't want to have to move house because of all the jigsaws.

Sorry it's only jigsaws at the moment. Fact is, I go to work (no photos allowed there) or go to classes. I am still reading, and enjoying, Far from the madding crowd. I am still trying to organise the other WEA classes. Other organisations want to know my Saturday work availability. What I really want is a regular market stall in Stroud every other Saturday, but I currently only have one per month in Nailsworth!

However, nursery is getting easier, for various reasons. Hurrah. I must hurry up and book my flight to Bremen for half term.

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