The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Wintry Wednesday

This was our surprise this morning: snow everywhere! Branches in our garden, viewed from above. By about midday it was mostly gone.

I picked up the children from school. They told me that they'd walked to school (just down the hill) but at school they'd been kept in and not allowed to run around in the playground or make snowballs. As a playworker, I don't think much of this approach...

Because I was at home in the morning, effectively blocked in, I was listening to local radio for weather updates. I ended up emailing the station on the subject of learning languages outside the classroom. As well as my own experiences, I mentioned that my late father had taught himself Serbo-Croat from a Linguaphone course, and that he was one of the very few people in the provinces of Mexico who could speak Forest of Dean dialect. Not for the first time, I wondered if this was ever useful to him. Then again, my favourite quiz show is Pointless, so yay! bring on the language courses.

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