Colourless pieces

I don't spend a lot of time on jigsaws but, since rediscovering them fairly recently (thanks to some Blippers), I like to have one on the go. This is the current one and I like it very much. However, it is tricky. When working this closely with a painting, you do realise a lot about it. In this case it is the little colour that Lowry used in much of his work, but I suppose that was the point really - he was depicting a grim, often colourless, world. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier working with lots of white/grey pieces though!

Incidentally, I have only just discovered that L S Lowry holds the record for having declined the most honours - he was offered four and turned them all down. In finding this out I discovered a long, long list of the people who have declined honours of all kinds and for various reasons. Such as Alan Bennett, David Bowie, Glenda Jackson and of course our hero Polly Toynbee. 

A sad day, looking at the list of Patisserie Valerie Cafés to be closed. Carlisle is keeping theirs, but then it has only been there a short time. Saddest of all though is that the outlets at Peterborough and Cambridge Service stations are to close - they have long been our sanctuary in which to hide away from the horrors of those places. 

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