Rabbit food
I let the brassicas go through the winter so that the rabbits like me. Nothing better on a blustery January day than a big old crunchy broccoli leaf.
Today was, in fact, more rainy than blustery: I met the Gardening Philosopher in the market and discovered a kid-based coincidence. Of course all the rain will be falling as snow where Mr B is skiing this weekend, so that’s all good.
Later work, taxes, accounts. We took down the rest of the Christmas decorations and I vacuumed just to bring some fun into my day. My main client seems to be sick, so my other clients saw super-efficient service all day...
Later, revision with TallGirl on her geography EU topic (there is a megalopolis in Europe, apparently, from London to Milan). Prompted lots of economics chat. At dinner, I was right about the Treaty of Rome (duh) but wrong about everything else. And CarbBoy still claims he’s always loved cous cous.
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