Double Shot Mummy


Dubai Christmas Festival Twins + Meet

This morning began at 430am and was one of the more difficult ones of recent in terms of whinge factor. I am going to leave it at that as feel I have used up enough thought and energy on it already!

After their naps (Sadly in separate rooms, 30 mins for Oscar and 90 mins for Bailee), The twins woke up a lot more content :-) Karri and his girlfriend Beatie came to visit and meet Maple for the first time. Karri looked very natural holding Maple and in fact said that this was the longest he'd ever held a baby! In fact, Stu and I remembered the petrified look on his face when he first held Oscar and Bailee. They were much more delicate and super teeny weeny so Maple mustn't have seemed so breakable!

We were lucky enough to score family tickets to the Dubai Christmas Festival at Media City and went along to see what it was all about. It is so fab being able to just load the kids in the car now and not having to carry around carseats and deal with the hassle of taxi's and fitting our family in one cab!

We met some very nice twin parents (And one triplet mummy), from the Dubai Twins Plus group I have been asking a lot of questions to on their facebook page! One set of twins were a very similar age to Maple so it was lovely to share stories! I still really miss my UK Twins Club, (Gemini Plus) but it is fabulous that we all keep in regular contact online! It is definitely a fact that parents of multiples share a special bond of understanding. It is also fab to be able to chat and meet up with multiple families as you need different strategies to that with a singleton!

Bailee and Oscar enjoyed a yummy yoghurt icecream with fresh pomegranate. They got a balloon each and Oscar's had to be replaced when he popped it. It was great to have some fresh air and for the twins to explore a different outdoor environment!

We put our tree up today. I bought some beautiful handmade decorations with 'Oscar 2012', 'Bailee 2012' and 'Maple's first Christmas 2012' on. They look just gorgeous and the twins LOVED hanging them. It was very sweet how they hung them all on the same branch! Bailee and Oscar were very excited about the Christmas tree!

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