
The boys kept me up very late last night. First Beat and Biscuit had an argument about one of the big bones and then Beat wanted to go out and then Hero wanted to go out... Argh!!!!!

So I was tired this morning and it took a while to get started. We were out for a lovely walk though and I went shopping for food and stuff.

I bought some lovely beef and pasta + a Christmas pudding, which I cooked for my parents, when I went to visit them.

The dogs and I had a lovely afternoon and evening with my parents, but my mum was really tired. She had been away for dialysis treatment all day. She did enjoy a Bridie cuddle though and Bridie was happy to see her too.

One of my mum's home careres came whilst I was there and she loved the dogs! She hardly had time for my mum :-). And my mum was very proud to show her Bridie. My mum had told her about Bridie, but of course she had never met her.

Looks like a snowstorm will hit Denmark tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it won't be too bad.

Happy weekend, Blippers!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys + Bridie

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