The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Happy Christmas!!

It's a Mackenzie Christmas in this household!

The day started with a monster of an intervals session in the gym (cycle and treadmill, legs like jelly!), followed by breakfast in a hurry and then Mum and I went into town to do some Christmas shopping. It is Lincoln Christmas Market weekend so the streets were busy...but we managed to do all our jobs and drink tea before heading to Waitrose to do the shop. With a boot full of festive fun, we came home...

...mulled wine and nibbles...prawn cocktail with the 'Mac' sauce and brown bread...mum and dad opened their presents...then poussin with brussels, roasted root veg and spuds, stuffing, asparagus, spinach, red cabbage and gravy...and wine and strictly and X Factor and deciding wether to have Christmas pudding and brandy butter!!! My tummy is exhausted!

Happy Christmas everyone...when the big day comes you and I will be on our way to Everest! Yeeeeehaaaa!!! xxx

PS. Check out that plate of sprouts! Mr Farty Pants ahoy! ;0)

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