Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Laughing Ballet Girl

Another shot of my little Ballerina. Well we had our final show rehersal today, only one more class before the big day. I took quite a few, but this one was selected by both myself and my husband and it is not often we agree on a blip!

Today has been a little tempestuous to say the least. Both kids need more sleep, but neither show any inclination to lie in, which is a shame. The end of term can't come soon enough in some ways.

Swimming this morning, followed by ballet rehersals for both small people. After ballet I took them to the Christmas Tree Festival, however W was fixated on having a cake and constantly shouted this in my ear (he was in the ergo) which made looking at the trees quite hard work.

Too be fair he ate the best meal he has had in over a week at tea, so I guess he was hungry. Both were in bed and asleep by 6.10PM. Lets just hope they sleep in a bit in the morning.

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