Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Carys's Poppy Collection

This morning it was heaving ot down with rain when we left the house. By the time I got home with William (about 15mins later) we had battled through rain, wind, sleet, and the most enormous snowflakes. Sadly the default setting of the weather for the rest of the morning was rain, so that was the end of the snow for now.

Took W to creche/gym where I ran 5k on the treadmill and then did a really hard and thoroughly unenjoyable half hour of circuits. Have heard a rumour that the new timetable doesn't have express circuits on it. Something I will be really upset about as there is no way I would put myself through that degree of pain on my own.

W was dropped off at Goslings and I headed into town to meet the Poppy Organiser and collect our thank you cards, along with two for the local schools I said I would drop off. I was really suprised with how much Carys had collected, near enough £70, not bad for an hours collecting. William's collection was significantly lower, but then he was coolecting after Remembrance Day but before Remembrance Sunday, so most people already had poppies. Between us, including the round I do, we collected £230.

The rest of my day passed in a blur and it is now tea time and I am contemplating a glass of mulled wine and writing yet more Christmas cards while the chimps have their tea party.

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