a new year!

By Thesalh70

Whoooaaa....my PETE is on fire!

What a perfect Saturday. Sleep, good. Petes night, v good. Greeting pete in the morning, vv good!

Lazy start up at 6.30, but didn't get into gear for another couple of hours. Me and Pete had just finished our first walk of the day as the sun broke thru the cloud and a warmth spread thru the cool air.

Met with marco at mums, he's finally putting the wall to rights. Off for a bit of shopping then back to Pete. Then it's pete on tour... First to visit uncle d and aunty e, then off to meet cousin fizz bomb for the first time! That was interesting, think it was a draw between them both as to who was the bravest!

Called at mum and then home for a v v lazy afternoon. Massive fire made, me and pete on the sofa. He's whacked and I'm way too relaxed after a week of doing nothing much.

Tea cooked and then we give X factor final a go. Highlight so far, me and Pete dancing to Sinatra played during the ad break!

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