Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie


This morning I took my daughter across to Huddersfield University; we had been told to arrive by 9:30am for the interview. Turns out the interviews started at 1pm, the morning was for tours, with lots of waiting. We went up to the accommodation, and she wasn't impressed. There is clearly a lot of activities with a system which encourages peer pressure to join in. Not great for an introvert. In the end we didn't stay for the interview.

We went up to my parents house, and watched the birds on the balcony for a bit. My parents always put food out, so there is usually a good selection of garden birds. Today I was taking pictures of blue tits, coal tits, robins, nuthatches, sparrows and blackbirds.

Came back and did the supermarket shop. Now having a five minute sit down before I tidy up.

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