Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Meanwhile past Mt Iron

When The Boss grabbed his camera bag and headed for Suzz I recon'd that it was Mt Iron 4 sure. When he didn't call me ( and I didn't have to hide behind the glass door ) I was suspicious. AND when he got in to Suzz and left without me I knew. It wasn't Mt Iron. It was a dogless photo shoot .It appears that we had other stuff to do today and a sticathon was scheduled for after Grub so The Boss took off without me and was subsequently seem standing on the roof of Suzz opposite an old timber mill. This was not a Blip shot I have since been told it was for "something else" and that was what I spent most of my day doing...Something else. IT was a grrreat day with temps in the mid 20's (enough to almost melt the best Swiss Chocolate) and there was an air of anticipation that it may endure for Christmas. Time has a habit of telling.

Today's shot is as titled. Past Mt Iron and down the main road a bit and nice and early on a Sunday morning.

Please close the gate.

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