the blink of an eye

By weedave


Can I firstly appologise for not keeping up with comments but life just know is a bit mental ( sorry my vocab is a bit lacking and to be honest this is the best adjective I could associate with life at present !)...I will try harder

A>B>C.... these letters could stand for alot of things today.. they should have stood for the picture above Assorted Birthday Cakes Fiona had her friends over for a craft and high tea birthday party..where they made mini xmas trees out of large pine cones , made small gift bages and decorated fairy cakes ( pic)..

A>B>C could also have stood for Airport Blinkin Cold as I had been asked to run one of my friends relations to Edinburgh airport at 3am this morning had stayed up and it was about 4:30am by the time I had got home . face slightly chilled by the fact I had the window open when it was -4 degrees outside ..brrrrrrr....oh and did I mention that fiona had a friend over who's alarm went off at 7am and they like the sound of it so much they left it going for 20 min... so not a lot of sleep A Bit Crabbit

But unfortunately A>B>C stood for Ambulance Bones lunchtime just as I was stepping out the van to get lunch at a friends ( he knew I had a house full of screaming 9 yr old girls ) my mobile rang ... it was my wife telling me to go to my mum and dad's asap as something had happened and an ambulance was on it's way.....may I just make a public appology to any driver who got in my way yesterday ....I arrived to find 3 police cars , an ambulance, my fathers car sitting in a very unusual place in the driveway and the hedge infront of said car rather decimated was Father being questioned by the police.....Avery long story short.. my dad was in the car .. my mother fell whilst getting into the car father tried to grab her from inside the car and in doing so hit the accelerator ...the car shot forward through the hedge.... my dad in a panic reversed the car.. un aware that when my mother had fallen, one of her legs had gone under the car and he not only drove over it but reversed over it as well .....need less to say my nother was taken to hospital where she will be for the next two to four weeks ...she has a broken pelvis and a very nasty crushed injury to her left calf ( not broken )....

So it seems as tho the big man up stairs thinks I dont have enough on my plate at present so has put hospital visits and almost full time father caring on top of it .... ah well at least there was lots of cakes left !!!!

I cannot take responsibility of taking this pic.... but enjoy

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