Backblip 25th Jan: a cove on edge of Alcossebre
Having sent quite some time discussing how happy we would be to spend a long term here, either now or another year, we thought that we should take a look at Alcossebre, just to make sure that the town could support our needs for a longer stay. We walked the dog into town to map out the route and so that we could check out the supermarket. It turned out to be quite a long walk, with my FitBit clocking up almost 17,000 steps.
Along the way we managed to admire the seafront and marina areas. Alcossebre is so very different from the towns that had distressed us so. Even acknowledging that in the summer things will be far livelier, it is easy to see that this is Spain's Lytham-to-Blackpool type relationship. Seemingly they work at it. Proud of the fact that Alcossebre is the only coastal town that has not been fully urbanised, the centre remains a living town and the sea front hotels are large but low. and the apartment blocks very small by comparison to the large resorts. Everything is clean and tidy and there were many gardeners at work as we passed.
In short, we are enchanted
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