
I had nothing specific planned today and Lesley was working a cover day for someone else. I thought I would catch up on all the tidying of files sorting stuff etc but it was pure blue sky outdoors and I didn't want to waste such a nice day. So, some quick chores then off I went to chat to some birders and talk camera gear at the mill (and glimse the peregrine, in extra). I also got a call from a builder I know who has started some barn conversions, will I do some "before" photos? So off I went to Ashbourne. From there I had the idea to do the sunset on the edges in the Peak district but I lost the race against the sinking sun and could only manage a refection photo of Curbar Edge in the Derwent and a late bit of horizon colour across Owler Tor (in extra).
It pays to be flexible and so nice to have the time to just go and do what you fancy.

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