Pink hair and sparks
A snow shower this morning, but it soon turned wet and and didn't lie long.
I had an arrangement to go down Jacob's Ladder after lunch to meet Fiona, the new senior reporter for the Oban Times. She has pink hair (see extra), but then so do many other people! She was taking notes at the Community Council meeting last night and had decided to do a piece on Litter in Oban, following my plea to actually do something about the problem at grass roots level. I have to admit I was expecting to hear 'We agree, but it's all been done before', and though there was some talk about that, I asked if we could not have another attempt to get to the root of the problem. It was then decided that a 'summit' should be held, and all relevant people be invited - council and community council officials, education folk including the High School Head and various other bodies who might have an interest. It was a really good outcome and I hope that having a piece in the paper might give some more publicity to 'Keep Oban Beautiful' too. It depends how much of it gets chopped! She's promised to do more at a later date and also to publicise our 'Oban Spring Clean' too, before it happens at the end of March.
On the way back along Ardconnel Terrace, where you can look down on the Oban Distillery, these men were doing some repairs to something or other and I was lucky to catch a brief spurt of metal cutting.
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