A Thousand Fuzzy Wuzzy Points of Light

It was in the single digits on Monday morning, quite cold, and I finally managed to have that breakfast at the Corner Room that I've been craving. A little food for the tummy, and a place to warm up those chilly feet! It was a good start to the week.

Monday afternoon, I was walking across campus in between buses. West Halls is a favorite photo op. The buildings are just gorgeous and I like how the light comes through that area at different times of day.

I looked up because it seemed there were tiny lights shining above my head. And then I focused the camera in on them. In looking closer, I discovered that they were fuzzy wuzzy little bud type things - like pussy willows - on the tree above me. (I think the tree is a variety of magnolia.) Each little one seemed to catch and magnify the light.

Here is a song for these pretty little fuzzy wuzzies: Passenger, with All the Little Lights.

P.S. I try to keep blip as one of my happy places, but sometimes there are very sad or serious matters that must be documented as well. You think it will never happen where YOU live, but then it does. There was a tragic shooting in State College, PA, on Thursday night of last week. A gunman killed three people and then himself. There was a vigil for the victims on this day at the University gates, at the Corner of College and Allen, and I attended what I could of it before I had to catch my bus. I took photos, of course, and I placed a picture of one of the participants' signs in the extras. The sign says: Seek Peace & Pursue It. Yes, yes, of course; these are words we do our best to live by. But what if the OTHER guy has a GUN!???

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