Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Collage time! :)
It snowed heavily this morning. Big snowflakes where I live, but smaller when I got to work. 
Today I've helped out with cuttings. I've written a bunch of name 'tags' with date and name of the mother plants ('tag' progress is seen on middle left together with my overnight oats breakfast...), I've prepared pots with soil for two colleagues that were making cuttings to plant, and collected more pots from the cellar. I also learnt that beneath boxes covered with leaves grows bulbs of a mysterious kind. Perhaps tulips, I don't know. I guess these have stood outside somewhere and now needs warmth to develop more. It'll be fun to follow the progress! :) And I had fun chatts with my colleagues. :) Good day. :) One snag is that my employment might not happen - or be delayed - due to the budget in the government. It's a bit messy right now, but the budget that is followed isn't brought forward by the governing parties, but the 'other' side. The 'right wing' parties are more into giving more money to the rich than helping out those who struggles. So.. I'll have to wait and see for now. Fingers crossed I have a chance anyway. But during my walk with one of the admin personell I was told that this is going to be a tuff

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