Three new bouncy balls

This morning Tessa from Seascapes and Tim from 'Snaps that came out well' came round to see us.

I was ever so pleased to see Tessa because I could tell that she had a present for me in her bag. She had brought me three new bouncy balls - a blue one, a purple one and an orange one. I was so happy I threw them all around the living room in a mad frenzy. I love bouncy balls.

I wasn't quite so pleased to see Tim because I'm a bit scared of men that I've never met. I did my fiercest barking to see if I could scare him off, but do you know what he did? He just crouched down beside me and gave me some treats. Well, after that I decided that he must be OK so I made friends with him.

Tessa & Tim dismantled a desk which Ann is giving to Tessa. And after that Tessa & Ann took me for a walk so that I could play with my new orange bouncy ball.

I've just had another walk down on the beach and I rolled on a dead fish. I'm very very tired now so I'm fast asleep. Ann says she's thinking of waking me up and bathing me because apparently the whole house smells of dead fish!!!!

......................I quite like the smell of dead fish. Rolling on dead fish is fun!!!!!

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