
By dreaming

Wildlife, tamed

I rarely have any live wildlife to blip on Wednesdays, but I came upon these wonderful animal mugs in a gift shop and fell in love.  This one is my favorite, but I've included a couple of other ones as Extras.  I would love to give one as a gift to someone, but couldn't think of who might enjoy or use it, and as i'm writing this it suddenly occurs to me that Sharon would enjoy it.  I'm going to go back and get one for her tomorrow.

I used the last of my produce vouchers today, splurging on asparagus, pears, and a portobello mushroom cap.  Not sure what I'll do with it, but I've never had one before so I thought I'd give it a try.  Perhaps I'll stuff it with something.  I'm hoping we will receive vouchers for February as well, but they've not shown up yet.

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