The other one.
I'm a novice galanthophile. Up until the last decade or so I was aware of two types of Snowdrop - Single & Double.
I now know there are, literally, hundreds of varieties, my personal collection being about about half a dozen.
They are starting to come on line slowly.
Yesterday, at the garden centre, I spotted some Snowdrops not the usual single/double choice. They had Woronowii, which I have, Snow Fox which I haven't and some called "Baluga" not sufficiently open to see flowers, so I picked S/Fox.
The pot contained three, supposedly "Snow Fox". I could see they were not identical - BUT = more variety.
When I got home & checked; one is almost 100% certainly S/Fox. The other two are mildly different in the amount/size/number of the inner green marking(s) and some of the Gurus can tell that is, now and then, indicative of a varietal difference.
I have either:-
1. Three Snow fox - which will settle down next year.
2. One S/Fox and two others (Same variety)
3. One S/Fox & one each of two other varieties.
Checked after I got home and found Snow Fox on sale on line at £10 per bulb, so - whatever I bought for £8.99 is a bonus of two, irrespective of varietal name.
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