Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Back in Black

Boring blip today - sorry! But it's worth getting to the end for the link.

A productive day today but little chance for blipping. Garage tidied with the support of three new steel cupboards. All the stuff lying around now neatly stacked which will allow the sorting of numerous boxes of bits, cables, adapters, tools and a mountain of bits and bobs. To be followed by the removal of a jury rigged workbench to be replaced by said cupboards. I can see the garage being restored to its primary use in the very near future.

A christmas tree purchased is now acclimatising in the conservatory and will make it to the lounge in the next few days. A bacon butty followed as brunch

Everyone was relieved at Man Utd's late goal to get the deserved win in the Manchester derby - the disallowed goal should have stood - but that's football.

Final act before a roast dinner this evening was the cleaning of a mountain of shoes. Proper polishing with the expense of several calories brushing. Does anyone else still use proper shoe polish - Few I suspect. Must be a generation thing.

Anyway, after a while being left and abused, all our shoes are now Back in Black. Cue AC/DC. (once you get through the ad).

Alternatively, another version by the fantastic Carlos Santana.

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