
By BlipsByBex

Neuter clinic

I was going to post a picture of a friend spaying a cat as part of a four-day neutering clinic she ran at ACE, but decided against it as I appreciate that some blippers might be squeamish! So this is a rather lovely mare and her foal instead.

So why a neutering clinic? ACE doesn't have the funds to offer non-essential treatment (such as spaying and castrating), so Kirsten and Laura raised some money to fund it- these ops are a good way if improving the quality of life of an animal, especially for females as it means that they won't be subjected to endless litters of puppies or kittens. It also eases the burden on their families, who might only want one guard dog and be unable to feed many puppies!

This was just a brief tester, but we hope that the funds raised can go towards free neutering for a good while yet - hopefully another 200+ operations!

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