Roly's Life

By Roly


Another early start - this time Smallest was sick in his bed in the night but fell asleep again so it all congealed in his duvet. He woke me around 5.30 to break this news.

The electrician arrived and did all the wiring stuff. 2/3 of the plumbers also returned but gave up on fitting the external bit to the tumble drier vent due to the torrential rain.

Shortly after they left, the snow came. Smallest and I watched through the window with a blazing fire and suggested MrRoly took seriously the weather warnings.

The Middle 2 turned up all excited, The Boy muttering about no revision classes as teachers were leaving. I did point out he could revise at home...

Eldest turned up drenched and frozen shortly after. College started sending home early so after last year’s road chaos, she walked in the rain then snow to the train station and was picked up by a friend’s parents.

MrRoly and his Mum left Portishead around 3.30. The normal 3 hour journey took them twice as long but they made it back without getting stuck but traffic was understandably slow even though they avoided Bodmin Moor.

Work tomorrow, I’m rather looking forward to it!

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