Family Reunion
Happy February! I always feel like we are almost through winter when February arrives. It came in nice and cold, but left this evening with a spectacular sunset that gave a colour show for at least an hour...the sunset that just kept giving and giving and giving!
With the sun shining, I knew the perfect way to end this week and I was right. It was exactly what I needed to unwind. Not only did I get to stand with the herd walking around me, but there were four bucks - three with antlers still, and one with newly dropped antlers (decided not to blip him as his head was still bloody). You can see that this guy has started to lose his as his fur is a little matted with blood.
It was indeed like a family reunion - Big Ears, Little Ears, Old Man, Belle, Sweet Pea/Ms Brow and Brownie were all there. OH and could I forget her... Of course, there were others that I recognized but have yet to name.
I hope you all have an amazing weekend!
D x
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